STREAMER DIARIES | camera upgrade, chamber cosplay, midterm season - Video

Come with me while I push through midterm season and show you some behind-the-scenes of my chamber cosplay stream c:

I hope u guys enjoy the quality jump in this vlog and in future ones! It was a huge investment into what I love to do:)

???? » watch me stream here almost daily »

✉️ contact » [email protected]

☁️ socials »  [@pipluptiny](  on instagram, twitter, twitch, and tiktok!

???? about me »
My name's Anita and I’m a recent design student graduate turned full-time content creator based in NorCal! I do streamer diaries to showcase how I balanced being a full-time university student as well as a content creator/twitch streamer as well as just keeping a visual journal for myself c:

???? FAQ »
age › 21
camera › sony a7iii + canon g7x mark ii + iphone 13
editing software › premiere pro
university › UC Davis

Music by Sam Opoku - Wish -
Music by JAETUNES - the time it takes -
Cosplay models
vlog, pipluptiny streamer diaries, twitch streamer
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